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Religious Education

At St Minver School we strive to provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. The unique contribution that RE makes to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is an integral part of this.

We are driven to ensure that ALL pupils receive high-quality RE at St Minver school. This commitment reflects the overall aims, values and philosophy of the school and sits alongside the PSHE curriculum particularly, as well as other cross-curricular links, in developing the children’s awareness of the wider world. It supports identity as well as reinforcing diversity, enhances community cohesion and prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

As such, we will regularly measure the impact of our RE provision to make sure that we maintain the highest standards of delivery for all, with a commitment to ensuring that our curriculum addresses social disadvantage.

In considering our local context, our curriculum will build knowledge that will allow our children to recognise and celebrate cultural diversity, support their understanding of British Values and enable pupils to think about these for themselves.

RE at St Minver is an entitlement for all children and does not seek to urge religious beliefs on children or to compromise the integrity of children’s own beliefs by promoting one religion over another.  Parents have the legal right to withdraw their child from Religious Education, on the grounds that they want to provide an alternative.

How do we teach RE?

At St Minver School we follow the Cornwall Local Syllabus 2020. We have set out a progression of knowledge that our children will gain at each stage of their learning and teach this in a cohesive sequence that allows the children to make links and build upon prior knowledge. 

We develop  knowledge and understanding of some of the major world faiths by exploring the beliefs, values and traditions of Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. R.E. is delivered in discrete lessons as well as being linked with other subjects as appropriate. We enhance our children’s understanding of our multicultural society and encourage respect and sensitivity towards other people and their beliefs. We similarly respect and acknowledge the rights of those who have no religious beliefs. 

St Minver School
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