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Computing at St Minver School

At St Minver School we intend to provide our pupils with a high-quality computing education which equips them to use computational thinking and creativity to change the world.  

We want them to be digitally literate in an ever-changing world, so that each one is fully prepared for the future workplace.  

We will set out a progression of knowledge that our children will gain at each stage of the computing curriculum and teach this in a cohesive sequence which allows each to apply and implement that knowledge as skills. 

St Minver School will provide a computing education that is broad, and which maintains links with other subjects - especially English, mathematics, science and design technology - wherever possible. 

We will regularly measure the impact of our computing provision, to ensure that we maintain the highest academic ambition for ALL children, with a commitment to ensure that our curriculum powerfully addresses social disadvantage.  

As active participants in a digital world, they will know how to keep themselves safe online and will be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. In considering our local context, we will proactively address the potential for social isolation in a rural community and be professionally mindful of the potential for exploitation and radicalisation through the online world. Each child, at a level appropriate to their age, will know where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact online.  

Please find below the skills progression for Computing
Click below to read the Programmes of Study for Key Stages 1 and 2 in the National curriculum for Computing.

St Minver School
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