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Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages - French


At St Minver School we intend to provide all our pupils with a high-quality Modern Foreign Language education which fosters their curiosity and deepens their understanding of different countries and the wider world.

We want all pupils to be able to express their ideas and their thoughts in an additional language and to understand and respond to speakers both orally and through their writing.

We will set out a progression of knowledge that our children will gain at each stage of the MFL curriculum and teach this in a cohesive sequence which allows each to apply and implement knowledge as skills.

St Minver school will provide a modern foreign language education that is broad, and which encompasses other areas of study especially Art, Music, Drama and Design Technology wherever possible.

We will regularly measure the impact of our MFL provision, to ensure that we maintain the highest academic ambition for all children, with a commitment to ensure that our curriculum powerfully addresses social disadvantages.

As active participants of a multicultural society they will know how to communicate for practical purposes and to speak with increasing confidence, fluency, and spontaneity. Children will build confidence and be able to successfully communicate what they want to say through class discussions, asking and answering questions to improve accuracy of pronunciation and intonation.

In considering our local context we will proactively promote the idea of meeting people of different cultures and children will be confident in conversing to a basic level of understanding and broaden their vocab and develop their ability to understand new words and appreciate stories, songs and rhymes in the given language.

Each child will have the foundations laid for further language teaching to be built upon and at a level appropriate to their age, they will know where to go for support when they have concerns over content.

At St Minver School, we have chosen French as our chosen Foreign Language and all children in Years 3 to 6 will receive a weekly French lesson. 










St Minver School
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